divendres, 2 de juny del 2017

My stepfather Jordi

My stepfather is chef de cuisine and owner of a restaurant of homemade food, located in Figueres. Since I was little I remember that she was always in that field of work, and the truth is that he is very good !!!
My parents divorced when I was five, I did not suffer much from that, since my father did not have so much contact with me. Then my mother and stepfather started dating and after ten years they finally got married, and they are together until today!!!
My stepfather (Jordi) is an example of a loyal, honest, hardworking, true and warrior man, I love him very much, because he has raised me since I was a child.
I have very funny memories with him and my mother, and I hope those moments last a lot longer!!!


Alice in Wonderland

The story speaks of a dreamy girl, who by following a white rabbit with a watch, ends up falling into a deep hole where a surreal world is found. He ends up meeting little peculiar characters, with whom he establishes a very friendly bond.
In the end Alice has to face a feared queen with a giant head, to liberal the "Wonderland" of his command.
This story for many would not have much importance or interest, but for me, apart from being my favorite book and movie was my refuge when I was younger. When I was little, I had a lot of imagination, and as Alice invented her world, I invented mine, where everything was just as I wanted it and I was the person I wanted to be.
The story for me is an example that imagination is the best weapon against the world.
For these and many more reasons is my favorite story.